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1,196 lines
* IconToClip *
* by Douglas Nelson *
* *
* Assemble with Macro68 *
* *
* Object size = 3598 ($0E0E) bytes *
* Output file size = 4052 bytes *
* *
default _absolute,_pcrel
errfile ram:assem.output
objfile ram:I2C.exe
listfile ram:listfile
incpath mac:includes
incpath ram:includes
macfile alllibraryoffsets.i
macfile dos/dosextens.i
macfile exec/alerts.i
macfile exec/ports.i
macfile intuition/intuition.i
macfile libraries/iffparse.i
macfile libraries/gadtools.i
macfile workbench/workbench.i
macfile workbench/startup.i
***** startup
move.l sp,(initialSP)
move.l d0,d7 ;store dosCmdLen
movea.l (4).w,a6
move.l a6,(execbase)
* open dos
lea dosname,a1
move.l #37,d0
jsr (_LVOOpenLibrary,a6)
move.l d0,(dosbase)
bne.b gotdos
move.l #AG_OpenLib!AO_DOSLib,d7
jsr (_LVOAlert,a6)
failexit tst.l d7
bne.b fail2
bsr.b getWbMsg
bsr.b replyWbMsg
fail2 moveq #20,d0 ;FAIL
exit movea.l (execbase),a6
movea.l (dosbase),a1
jsr (_LVOCloseLibrary,a6)
tst.l (WBenchMsg)
beq.b exit2
bsr.b replyWbMsg
exit2 move.l (rc),d0
movea.l (initialSP),sp
* the next two subroutines here appear to allow byte branches
replyWbMsg movea.l (execbase),a6
jsr (_LVOForbid,a6)
movea.l (WBenchMsg),a1
jsr (_LVOReplyMsg,a6)
getWbMsg suba.l a1,a1
jsr (_LVOFindTask,a6)
movea.l d0,a5
lea (pr_MsgPort,a5),a0
jsr (_LVOWaitPort,a6)
lea (pr_MsgPort,a5),a0
jsr (_LVOGetMsg,a6)
move.l d0,(WBenchMsg)
gotdos move.l #10,(rc) ;ERROR for early exit
tst.l d7 ;dosCmdLen
beq.b WBstart
* read command line
lea template,a0
move.l a0,d1
lea pathname,a0
move.l a0,d2
moveq #0,d3 ;no optional RdArgs
movea.l (dosbase),a6
jsr (_LVOReadArgs,a6)
move.l d0,d1
jsr (_LVOFreeArgs,a6)
bra main
bsr.b getWbMsg
* read WBArgs
movea.l d0,a2
movea.l (sm_ArgList,a2),a2
move.l (wa_Lock,a2),d1
movea.l (dosbase),a6
jsr (_LVOCurrentDir,a6)
move.l d0,d7 ;store old dir
* open icon.library
lea iconname,a1
move.l #37,d0
movea.l (execbase),a6
jsr (_LVOOpenLibrary,a6)
move.l d0,(iconbase)
beq.b endicon
*read ToolTypes
movea.l d0,a6
movea.l (wa_Name,a2),a0
jsr (_LVOGetDiskObject,a6)
tst.l d0
beq.b closeicon
movea.l d0,a2
movea.l (do_ToolTypes,a2),a0
lea pathnamename,a1
jsr (_LVOFindToolType,a6)
tst.l d0
beq.b checkcolumn
moveq #1,d0
move.l d0,(pathname)
checkcolumn movea.l (do_ToolTypes,a2),a0
lea columnname,a1
jsr (_LVOFindToolType,a6)
tst.l d0
beq.b checkwindow
moveq #1,d0
move.l d0,(column)
checkwindow movea.l (do_ToolTypes,a2),a0
lea windowname,a1
jsr (_LVOFindToolType,a6)
tst.l d0
beq.b freediskobj
moveq #1,d0
move.l d0,(window)
movea.l (iconbase),a6
movea.l a2,a0
jsr (_LVOFreeDiskObject,a6)
closeicon movea.l (iconbase),a1
movea.l (execbase),a6
jsr (_LVOCloseLibrary,a6)
* restore old dir
endicon move.l d7,d1
movea.l (dosbase),a6
jsr (_LVOCurrentDir,a6)
***** main program
main movea.l (execbase),a6
lea workbenchname,a1 ;open workbench
moveq #37,d0
jsr (_LVOOpenLibrary,a6)
move.l d0,(workbenchbase)
beq cleanup
lea intuitionname,a1 ;open intuition
moveq #37,d0
jsr (_LVOOpenLibrary,a6)
move.l d0,(intuibase)
beq cleanup
lea iffparsename,a1 ;open iffparse
moveq #37,d0
jsr (_LVOOpenLibrary,a6)
move.l d0,(iffparsebase)
beq cleanup
lea gadtoolsname,a1 ;open gadtools
moveq #37,d0
jsr (_LVOOpenLibrary,a6)
move.l d0,(gadtoolsbase)
beq cleanup
lea diskfontname,a1 ;open diskfont
moveq #37,d0
jsr (_LVOOpenLibrary,a6)
move.l d0,(diskfontbase)
beq cleanup
lea graphicsname,a1 ;open gfx
moveq #37,d0
jsr (_LVOOpenLibrary,a6)
move.l d0,(gfxbase)
beq cleanup
* create our two MsgPorts
movea.l (execbase),a6
jsr (_LVOCreateMsgPort,a6)
move.l d0,(WorkbenchMP)
beq cleanup
jsr (_LVOCreateMsgPort,a6)
move.l d0,(WindowMP)
beq cleanup
* add item to Tools menu
moveq #1,d0
moveq #0,d1
lea menuname,a0
movea.l (WorkbenchMP),a1
suba.l a2,a2
movea.l (workbenchbase),a6
jsr (_LVOAddAppMenuItemA,a6)
move.l d0,(appmenuitem)
beq cleanup
* cleared all obstacles, so set return code to success
moveq #0,d0
move.l d0,(rc)
* store signal masks
movea.l (WindowMP),a0
moveq #0,d1
move.b (MP_SIGBIT,a0),d1
moveq #1,d0
lsl.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(windowsignal)
movea.l (WorkbenchMP),a0
moveq #0,d1
move.b (MP_SIGBIT,a0),d1
moveq #1,d0
lsl.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(wbsignal)
* calculate union of all signal masks
or.l (windowsignal),d0
or.l (breaksignal),d0
move.l d0,(allsignals)
* open window if user specifies
tst.l (window) ;did user ask for window?
beq.b eventloop
bsr SetupScreen
tst.l d0
beq.b nowinbeep
bsr OpenI2CWindow
tst.l d0
bne.b eventloop
nowinbeep movea.l (intuibase),a6
* moveq #0,d0 ;d0 is zero anyway
jsr (_LVODisplayBeep,a6) ;warn that window is not available
eventloop move.l (allsignals),d0
movea.l (execbase),a6
jsr (_LVOWait,a6)
move.l d0,d7 ;store signal mask
* is signal from WorkbenchMP?
move.l (wbsignal),d0
and.l d7,d0
beq.b testwindowsignal
bsr HandleAppMsg
* is signal from WindowMP?
move.l (windowsignal),d0
and.l d7,d0
beq.b testbreaksignal
bsr HandleGadget
tst.l d0
beq.b cleanup ;user selected QUIT gadget
* is signal a CTRL-C?
move.l (breaksignal),d0
and.l d7,d0
bne.b cleanup ;got BREAK signal
bra eventloop ;wait for next event
* prepare to quit
cleanup tst.l (appmenuitem)
beq closewindow
* clear pending AppMsgs
clearappmsg movea.l (WorkbenchMP),a0
movea.l (execbase),a6
jsr (_LVOGetMsg,a6)
tst.l d0 ;did we get a message?
beq.b killappmenu
movea.l d0,a1
jsr (_LVOReplyMsg,a6)
bra.b clearappmsg
* remove Tools menu item; safe to call with NULL pointer
killappmenu movea.l (appmenuitem),a0
movea.l (workbenchbase),a6
jsr (_LVORemoveAppMenuItem,a6)
* close window if open
closewindow bsr CloseI2CWindow
bsr CloseDownScreen
* close MsgPorts
movea.l (execbase),a6
move.l (WindowMP),d0
beq.b closeWorkbenchMP
movea.l d0,a0
jsr (_LVODeleteMsgPort,a6)
move.l (WorkbenchMP),d0
beq.b closelibs
movea.l d0,a0
jsr (_LVODeleteMsgPort,a6)
closelibs move.l (gfxbase),d0
beq.b closediskfont
movea.l d0,a1
jsr (_LVOCloseLibrary,a6)
move.l (diskfontbase),d0
beq.b closegadtools
movea.l d0,a1
jsr (_LVOCloseLibrary,a6)
move.l (gadtoolsbase),d0
beq.b closeiffparse
movea.l d0,a1
jsr (_LVOCloseLibrary,a6)
move.l (iffparsebase),d0
beq.b closeintui
movea.l d0,a1
jsr (_LVOCloseLibrary,a6)
closeintui move.l (intuibase),d0
beq.b closeworkbench
movea.l d0,a1
jsr (_LVOCloseLibrary,a6)
move.l (workbenchbase),d0
beq.b allclosed
movea.l d0,a1
jsr (_LVOCloseLibrary,a6)
bra exit
***** subroutine HandleAppMsg
* returns NULL in d0 if anything fails
movea.l (WorkbenchMP),a0
movea.l (execbase),a6
jsr (_LVOGetMsg,a6)
move.l d0,(appmsg)
beq endHandleAppMsg
sf (separate) ;first name, so no separator
movea.l d0,a0
move.l (am_ArgList,a0),(arglist)
move.l (am_NumArgs,a0),(numargs)
bne IconIsHilited
* user selected menu with no icons hilited, so open window
move.l (I2CWnd),d0
beq.b openwindow
* window is open so move it to front
movea.l d0,a0
movea.l (intuibase),a6
jsr (_LVOWindowToFront,a6)
bra NextAppMsg
* must call SetupScreen() each time before opening window, since sneaky user
* may have changed Workbench screen
openwindow bsr SetupScreen
tst.l d0
beq.b nowindow
bsr OpenI2CWindow
tst.l d0
bne NextAppMsg ;window opened successfully
nowindow movea.l (intuibase),a6
* moveq #0,d0 ;d0 is zero anyway
jsr (_LVODisplayBeep,a6) ;warn that window is not available
bra NextAppMsg
tst.l (column)
beq.b lineformat
move.b #$A,(separator) ;separate names with linefeed
bra.b tryInitClip
lineformat move.b #' ',(separator) ;separate names with space
tryInitClip bsr InitClip
tst.l d0
beq AbortClip
tst.l (numargs) ;loop while numargs>0
beq callCloseClip
tst.b (separate) ;is this first write?
beq.b writename ;if yes, no separator needed
lea separator,a0
move.l a0,d0
bsr WriteClip
tst.l d0 ;did WriteClip succeed?
beq AbortClip
writename tst.l (pathname) ;write full pathname?
beq IconNameOnly
* write full pathname
* first, get directory path
movea.l (arglist),a0
move.l (wa_Lock,a0),d1
lea dirname,a0
move.l a0,d2
move.l #256,d3
movea.l (dosbase),a6
jsr (_LVONameFromLock,a6)
tst.l d0
beq AbortClip
* add filename, if any
movea.l (arglist),a0
movea.l (wa_Name,a0),a0 ;put ptr to filename in a0
tst.b (a0) ;test if name is non-null
beq.b writepathname ;icon is volume or directory
* add filename to directory pathname
move.l a0,d2
lea dirname,a0
move.l a0,d1
move.l #256,d3
movea.l (dosbase),a6
jsr (_LVOAddPart,a6)
tst.l d0
beq AbortClip
lea dirname,a0
move.l a0,d0
bsr WriteClip
tst.l d0
beq AbortClip
bra nextarg
* write icon name only
* first, is icon a file?
movea.l (arglist),a1
movea.l (wa_Name,a1),a0 ;put ptr to filename in a0
tst.b (a0) ;test if name is non-null
beq.b IconIsDir ;icon is volume or directory
* icon is file, so write filename
move.l a0,d0
bsr WriteClip
tst.l d0
beq AbortClip
bra nextarg
* icon is volume or directory; extract its name and write it
IconIsDir move.l (wa_Lock,a1),d1
lea dirname,a0
move.l a0,d2
move.l #256,d3
movea.l (dosbase),a6
jsr (_LVONameFromLock,a6)
tst.l d0
beq AbortClip
* get last element of pathname
lea dirname,a0
move.l a0,d1
movea.l (dosbase),a6
jsr (_LVOFilePart,a6)
move.l d0,(fileptr)
* If pathname is a volume name only, then FilePart()
* returns pointer to the null byte after the :
* To check if this is a volume, we check for the null byte
movea.l d0,a0
tst.b (a0)
bne.b WriteDirName
* icon is a volume and dirname holds its name
lea dirname,a0
move.l a0,d0
bsr WriteClip
tst.l d0
beq AbortClip
bra.b nextarg
* icon is a directory and a0 points to its name
move.l a0,d0
bsr WriteClip
tst.l d0
beq AbortClip
nextarg addq.l #wa_SIZEOF,(arglist)
subq.l #1,(numargs)
st (separate) ;flag to write separator before next icon
bra WriteIconsToClip ;loop back for next icon
tst.l (iff)
beq.b NextAppMsg
bsr CloseClip
NextAppMsg movea.l (appmsg),a1
movea.l (execbase),a6
jsr (_LVOReplyMsg,a6)
bra HandleAppMsg ;loop back for next appmsg
AbortClip tst.l (iff)
beq noiff
bsr CloseClip
noiff movea.l (intuibase),a6
moveq #0,d0
jsr (_LVODisplayBeep,a6) ;warn that clipboard is not available
bra NextAppMsg
***** end HandleAppMsg
***** subroutine InitClip - opens IFF Clipboard
* returns ptr to IFFHandle in d0 if successful
InitClip movea.l (iffparsebase),a6
jsr (_LVOAllocIFF,a6)
move.l d0,(iff)
beq.b noclip
moveq #0,d0
jsr (_LVOOpenClipboard,a6)
movea.l (iff),a0
move.l d0,(iff_Stream,a0)
beq.b noclip
jsr (_LVOInitIFFasClip,a6)
movea.l (iff),a0
moveq #IFFF_WRITE,d0
jsr (_LVOOpenIFF,a6)
bne.b noclip
movea.l (iff),a0
move.l #"FTXT",d0
move.l #ID_FORM,d1
jsr (_LVOPushChunk,a6)
bne.b noclip
movea.l (iff),a0
moveq #0,d0
move.l #'CHRS',d1
jsr (_LVOPushChunk,a6)
bne.b noclip
move.l (iff),d0 ;return success
noclip moveq #0,d0
***** end InitClip
***** subroutine WriteClip - write name to Clipboard
* receives address of text buffer in d0
* returns 0 in d0 if failure
WriteClip push d0 ;save ptr to buffer
bsr.b strlen ;returns length in d0
movea.l (iff),a0
pop a1 ;load ptr to buffer
push d0 ;save string length
movea.l (iffparsebase),a6
jsr (_LVOWriteChunkBytes,a6)
cmp.l (sp)+,d0 ;was write successful?
beq.b WriteClipsuccess
moveq #0,d0 ;return failure
moveq #1,d0
***** end WriteClip
***** subroutine strlen - finds length of NULL-terminated string
* receives address of string in d0
* returns length in d0
strlen movea.l d0,a0 ;put string addr in a0
moveq #0,d0 ;clear d0
move.w #-1,d0 ;set d0.w to maximum
move.l d0,d1 ;set d1.w to maximum
.loop tst.b (a0)+ ;test for null byte
dbeq d1,.loop ;loop back if not null
sub.w d1,d0 ;calculate length
***** end strlen
***** subroutine CloseClip - closes IFF Clipboard
CloseClip movea.l (iffparsebase),a6
movea.l (iff),a0
jsr (_LVOPopChunk,a6) ;pops CHRS chunk
movea.l (iff),a0
jsr (_LVOPopChunk,a6) ;pops FORM chunk
movea.l (iff),a0
jsr (_LVOCloseIFF,a6)
movea.l (iff),a0
movea.l (iff_Stream,a0),a0
jsr (_LVOCloseClipboard,a6)
movea.l (iff),a0
move.l d0,(iff_Stream,a0)
jsr (_LVOFreeIFF,a6)
***** end CloseClip
***** subroutine HandleGadget - processes Gadget events
* returns 0 in d0 if user presses QUIT, else 1
movea.l (WindowMP),a0
movea.l (gadtoolsbase),a6
jsr (_LVOGT_GetIMsg,a6)
move.l d0,(msg)
bne.b gotmsg
moveq #1,d0 ;non-QUIT code
gotmsg movea.l d0,a1
move.l (im_Class,a1),(class)
move.w (im_Code,a1),(code)
move.l (im_IAddress,a1),(gadget)
jsr (_LVOGT_ReplyIMsg,a6)
bne.b testforgadget
movea.l (I2CWnd),a0
jsr (_LVOGT_BeginRefresh,a6)
movea.l (I2CWnd),a0
moveq #1,d0
jsr (_LVOGT_EndRefresh,a6)
bra HandleGadget
cmpi.l #IDCMP_GADGETUP,(class)
bne HandleGadget ;this should never happen
movea.l (gadget),a0
moveq #0,d0
move.w (gg_GadgetID,a0),d0
add.w d0,d0 ;double to get word offset
move.w (jumptable,pc,d0.w),d0
jmp (jumptable,pc,d0.w)
jumptable dw pathgadevent-jumptable
dw formatgadevent-jumptable
dw quitgadevent-jumptable
dw hidegadevent-jumptable
tst.w (code)
bne.b setpathname
clr.l (pathname)
bra HandleGadget
setpathname moveq #1,d0
move.l d0,(pathname)
bra HandleGadget
tst.w (code)
bne.b setcolumn
clr.l (column)
bra HandleGadget
setcolumn moveq #1,d0
move.l d0,(column)
bra HandleGadget
moveq #0,d0 ;quit code
bsr CloseI2CWindow
bsr CloseDownScreen
bra HandleGadget
***** end HandleGadget
initialSP dl 0
rc dl 0
WBenchMsg dl 0
execbase dl 0
dosbase dl 0
workbenchbase dl 0
intuibase dl 0
iffparsebase dl 0
gadtoolsbase dl 0
diskfontbase dl 0
gfxbase dl 0
iconbase dl 0
WorkbenchMP dl 0
WindowMP dl 0
appmenuitem dl 0
windowsignal dl 0
wbsignal dl 0
breaksignal dl $1000 ;CTRL-C
allsignals dl 0
pathname dl 0 ;\
column dl 0 ;- array for ReadArgs
window dl 0 ;/
iff dl 0
columnname cstr 'COLUMN'
windowname cstr 'WINDOW'
* local vars for HandleAppMessage
appmsg dl 0
arglist dl 0
numargs dl 0
fileptr dl 0
separate db 0
separator cstr ' '
dirname dcb.b 256,0
* local vars for HandleGadget
msg dl 0
class dl 0
code dw 0
gadget dl 0
cstr 'By Douglas Nelson. Freely distributable.'
cstr '$VER: IconToClip 1.0 (23.1.93)'
dosname cstr "dos.library"
workbenchname cstr "workbench.library"
intuitionname cstr "intuition.library"
iffparsename cstr "iffparse.library"
gadtoolsname cstr "gadtools.library"
diskfontname cstr "diskfont.library"
graphicsname cstr "graphics.library"
iconname cstr "icon.library"
menuname cstr 'IconToClip'
* Original source machine generated by GadToolsBox V1.4
* which is (c) Copyright 1991,92 Jaba Development,
* then heavily altered to suit new assembly format,
* be shorter and clearer, and work for a window which is
* opened more than once.
***** subroutine SetupScreen
* returns 1 in d0 if successful
SetupScreen lea topaz8,a0
movea.l diskfontbase,a6
jsr (_LVOOpenDiskFont,a6)
move.l d0,(Font)
bne.b gotfont
rts ;failure
gotfont lea ScreenName,a0
movea.l (intuibase),a6
jsr (_LVOLockPubScreen,a6)
move.l d0,(Scr)
bne.b gotpubscreen
rts ;failure
movea.l d0,a0
movea.l #0,a1
movea.l (gadtoolsbase),a6
jsr (_LVOGetVisualInfoA,a6)
move.l d0,(VisualInfo)
bne.b gotvisinfo
rts ;failure
gotvisinfo moveq #1,d0 ;success
***** end SetupScreen
***** subroutine CloseDownScreen
move.l (VisualInfo),d0
beq.b closescreen
movea.l d0,a0
movea.l (gadtoolsbase),a6
jsr (_LVOFreeVisualInfo,a6)
move.l #0,(VisualInfo)
move.l (Scr),d0
beq.b closefont
movea.l #0,a0
movea.l d0,a1
movea.l (intuibase),a6
jsr (_LVOUnlockPubScreen,a6)
move.l #0,(Scr)
closefont move.l (Font),d0
beq.b endCloseDownScreen
movea.l d0,a1
movea.l (gfxbase),a6
jsr (_LVOCloseFont,a6)
***** end CloseDownScreen
***** subroutine CloseI2CWindow
move.l (I2CWnd),d0
beq nowindowopen
movea.l d0,a2
* save window position
move.w (wd_LeftEdge,a2),(I2CLeft)
move.w (wd_TopEdge,a2),(I2CTop)
movea.l (wd_UserPort,a2),a0
movea.l (gadtoolsbase),a6
jsr (_LVOGT_GetIMsg,a6)
tst.l d0
beq.b NoGadgetMsg
movea.l d0,a1
jsr (_LVOGT_ReplyIMsg,a6)
bra.b ClearGadgetMsgs
*end AppWindow Status
NoGadgetMsg movea.l (I2CAppWindow),a0
cmpa.l #0,a0
beq.b NoAppWindow
movea.l (workbenchbase),a6
jsr (_LVORemoveAppWindow,a6)
moveq #0,d0
move.l d0,(I2CAppWindow)
* restore original windowMP (actually NULL)
NoAppWindow movea.l (I2CWnd),a0
move.l (olduserport),(wd_UserPort,a0)
movea.l (intuibase),a6
jsr (_LVOCloseWindow,a6)
moveq #0,d0
move.l d0,(I2CWnd)
* free gadget list
movea.l (I2CGList),a0
cmpa.l #0,a0
beq.b NoGList
movea.l (gadtoolsbase),a6
jsr (_LVOFreeGadgets,a6)
moveq #0,d0
move.l d0,(I2CGList)
NoGList rts
***** end CloseI2CWindow
***** subroutine CreateGadgets
* returns pointer to Gadget if successful
movea.l (Scr),a0
moveq #0,d2
move.b (sc_WBorLeft,a0),d2
move.w d2,(offx)
* offy = Scr.WBorTop + Scr.RastPort.TxHeight + 1
moveq #0,d3
lea (sc_RastPort,a0),a1 ;Screen contains RastPort
move.w (rp_TxHeight,a1),d3
addq.w #1,d3
moveq #0,d0
move.b (sc_WBorTop,a0),d0
add.w d0,d3
move.w d3,(offy)
* CreateContext
lea I2CGList,a0
movea.l (gadtoolsbase),a6
jsr (_LVOCreateContext,a6)
move.l d0,(gadlist)
beq CreateGadgetFailure
*initialize NewGadgets
moveq #3,d6
gadloop lea I2CNGads,a0
move.l d6,d1
mulu.w #gng_SIZEOF,d1
adda.l d1,a0
move.l (VisualInfo),(gng_VisualInfo,a0)
move.w (offx),d1
add.w d1,(gng_LeftEdge,a0)
move.w (offy),d1
add.w d1,(gng_TopEdge,a0)
dbra d6,gadloop
* create gadgets
movea.l (gadtoolsbase),a6
moveq #CYCLE_KIND,d0
movea.l (gadlist),a0
lea I2CNGads0,a1
lea I2CGTags0,a2
jsr (_LVOCreateGadgetA,a6)
move.l d0,(gadlist)
move.l d0,(I2CGadgets0)
moveq #CYCLE_KIND,d0
movea.l (gadlist),a0
lea I2CNGads1,a1
lea I2CGTags1,a2
jsr (_LVOCreateGadgetA,a6)
move.l d0,(gadlist)
move.l d0,(I2CGadgets1)
moveq #BUTTON_KIND,d0
movea.l (gadlist),a0
lea I2CNGads2,a1
lea I2CGTags2,a2
jsr (_LVOCreateGadgetA,a6)
move.l d0,(gadlist)
move.l d0,(I2CGadgets2)
moveq #BUTTON_KIND,d0
movea.l (gadlist),a0
lea I2CNGads3,a1
lea I2CGTags3,a2
jsr (_LVOCreateGadgetA,a6)
move.l d0,(gadlist)
move.l d0,(I2CGadgets3)
*restore offsets in tags
moveq #3,d6
restoretags lea I2CNGads,a0
move.l d6,d1
mulu.w #gng_SIZEOF,d1
adda.l d1,a0
move.w (offx),d1
sub.w d1,(gng_LeftEdge,a0)
move.w (offy),d1
sub.w d1,(gng_TopEdge,a0)
dbra d6,restoretags
tst.l (gadlist)
beq.b CreateGadgetFailure
move.l (I2CGList),d0
moveq #0,d0
* local vars for CreateGadgets
gadlist dl 0
offx dw 0
offy dw 0 ;used in OpenI2CWindow
***** end CreateGadgets
***** subroutine OpenI2CWindow
* returns ptr to Window in d0
bsr CreateGadgets
tst.l d0
beq winopenfail
* set window height
moveq #104,d0
add.w (offy),d0
move.w d0,(I2CHeight)
* open window
suba.l a0,a0
lea I2CWindowTags,a1
movea.l (intuibase),a6
jsr (_LVOOpenWindowTagList,a6)
move.l d0,(I2CWnd)
beq winopenfail
* must open window with no IDCMP flags so that no userport is created;
* we want to use custom port for user port
movea.l d0,a0
move.l (wd_UserPort,a0),(olduserport) ; save UserPort
move.l (WindowMP),(wd_UserPort,a0) ; set WindowMP
jsr (_LVOModifyIDCMP,a6)
* add gadget list
movea.l (I2CWnd),a0
movea.l (I2CGList),a1
moveq #0,d0
move.l #-1,d1
suba.l a2,a2
jsr (_LVOAddGList,a6)
* refresh gadgets
movea.l (I2CGList),a0
movea.l (I2CWnd),a1
; a2 is still 0
jsr (_LVORefreshGadgets,a6)
* set cycle gadgets to show current setting
tst.l (pathname)
beq.b testcol
movea.l (I2CGadgets0),a0
movea.l (I2CWnd),a1
suba.l a2,a2
lea gadtags,a3
movea.l (gadtoolsbase),a6
jsr (_LVOGT_SetGadgetAttrsA,a6)
testcol tst.l (column)
beq.b refreshwindow
movea.l (I2CGadgets1),a0
movea.l (I2CWnd),a1
suba.l a2,a2
lea gadtags,a3
movea.l (gadtoolsbase),a6
jsr (_LVOGT_SetGadgetAttrsA,a6)
movea.l (I2CWnd),a0
suba.l a1,a1
movea.l (gadtoolsbase),a6
jsr (_LVOGT_RefreshWindow,a6)
* set up AppWindow
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d1
movea.l (I2CWnd),a0
movea.l (WorkbenchMP),a1
suba.l a3,a3
movea.l (workbenchbase),a6
jsr (_LVOAddAppWindowA,a6)
move.l d0,(I2CAppWindow)
* if this fails, it is not a problem
move.l (I2CWnd),d0
winopenfail moveq #0,d0
GD_PathGadget EQU 0
GD_FormatGadget EQU 1
GD_QuitGadget EQU 2
GD_HideGadget EQU 3
Scr dl 0
VisualInfo dl 0
I2CWnd dl 0
I2CAppWindow dl 0
olduserport dl 0
I2CGList dl 0
Font dl 0
I2CNGads0 dw 35,18,140,15
dl PathGadgetText,topaz8
dw GD_PathGadget
dl $0024,0,0
I2CNGads1 dw 35,58,140,15
dl FormatGadgetText,topaz8
dw GD_FormatGadget
dl $0024,0,0
I2CNGads2 dw 20,82,58,15
dl QuitGadgetText,topaz8
dw GD_QuitGadget
dl $0010,0,0
I2CNGads3 dw 124,82,58,15
dl HideGadgetText,topaz8
dw GD_HideGadget
dl $0010,0,0
I2CGTags0 dl GTCY_Labels,PathGadgetLabels
dl $00000000
I2CGTags1 dl GTCY_Labels,FormatGadgetLabels
dl $00000000
I2CGTags2 dl $00000000
I2CGTags3 dl $00000000
cstr 'Write to Clipboard'
cstr 'Write multiple names as'
cstr 'Quit'
cstr 'Hide'
dl PathGadgetLab0
dl PathGadgetLab1
dl 0
dl FormatGadgetLab0
dl FormatGadgetLab1
dl 0
PathGadgetLab0 cstr 'Icon name only'
PathGadgetLab1 cstr 'Full pathname'
FormatGadgetLab0 cstr 'Row'
FormatGadgetLab1 cstr 'Column'
topazFName8 cstr 'topaz.font'
topaz8 dl topazFName8
dw 8
db 0,0
I2CGadgets0 dl 0
I2CGadgets1 dl 0
I2CGadgets2 dl 0
I2CGadgets3 dl 0
gadtags dl GTCY_Active,1
I2CL dl WA_Left
dw 0 ;dummy word
I2CLeft dw 0 ;store wd_LeftEdge here for tags
I2CT dl WA_Top
dw 0 ;dummy word
I2CTop dw 12 ;store wd_TopEdge here for tags
I2CW dl WA_Width,216
I2CH dl WA_Height
dw 0
I2CHeight dw 104
dl WA_Flags,$00000006 ;Flags
dl WA_Title,I2CWTitle
dl WA_ScreenTitle,I2CSTitle
dl WA_PubScreenName,ScreenName
dl $00000000
I2CWTitle cstr 'IconToClip'
I2CSTitle cstr 'IconToClip'
ScreenName cstr 'Workbench'